
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Hot Transfer Machine
Hot transfer machine adopts the technology of film covered or bag vacuum heat transfer. After heat transfer, the surface of profiles is with the effect of realistic wood grain, marble and other treatment effects. Finished products are with the feature of clear wood grain texture and strong sense of three- dimensional.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

Hot transfer machine adopts the technology of film covered or bag vacuum heat transfer. After heat transfer, the surface of profiles is with the effect of realistic wood grain, marble and other treatment effects. Finished products are with the feature of clear wood grain texture and strong sense of three-dimensional. This equipment is mainly suitable for sublimation of heat resisting plastic or the metal surface which after processing by spraying, painting, electrophoresis. The treated product surface is with the characteristic of excellent wear resistance and corrosion resistance.

Main Features:

1. Matching with two material carts which can work separately.
2. Easy operation, high production efficiency.
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