
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


3D/4D Wood Effect Coating And Decorating Production Line
Compared with traditional heat transfer technology, 3D/4D wood effect coating and decorating technology is a perfect innovative surface technics, which is by spraying the special powder on the pre-sprayed base layer, and then baked in the curving oven to achieve the visual effect and touch feeling of three-dimensional simulation. This product can be applied to a variety of indoor and outdoor environments.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

Compared with traditional heat transfer technology, 3D/4D wood effect coating and decorating technology is a perfect innovative surface technics, which is by spraying the special powder on the pre-sprayed base layer, and then baked in the curving oven to achieve the visual effect and touch feeling of three-dimensional simulation. This product can be applied to a variety of indoor and outdoor environments. Durability of the quality of the finishing also granted in extreme environmental situations (constant exposition to the sun, sea areas, areas with environmental pollution).

The technology is suitable for all kinds of aluminum, steel, glass and some plastic surface. It can also be applied to a variety of flat and complex shaped surface. The design patterns are rich and varied (kinds of solid wood grain, marble texture). This system can be used for doors and windows, home decoration, military industry and other types of exterior decorative surface.

Main Features:

1. Raw material and technics are environmental.
2. The dimension remains the same after coating.
3. The wood effect pattern is wear-resistant, oil-resistant, corrosion-resistant and UV aging.
4. Fireproof and waterproof, easy maintenance and recycling.

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