
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Container Loading Platform
This container loading platform is specially designed by our company as a device for loading and unloading goods to and from containers. Currently there are two types available, the hydraulic scissor lifting (can be lowered with ground level) and the above-ground lifting.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

This container loading platform is specially designed by our company as a device for loading and unloading goods to and from containers. Currently there are two types available, the hydraulic scissor lifting (can be lowered with ground level) and the above-ground lifting. By using these platforms, the pre-packed and stacked goods can be rapidly and correctly carried into containers (same as vice versa). Thus, it can greatly enhance the efficiency and quality for the loading and unloading. It’s ideal for cargo stations, warehouses, docks, etc.

Main Features:

1. High strength steel structure, safe and reliable.
2. Adjustable for up & down, left & right.
3. Easy connection with containers.

Main Technical Parameters:

Hydraulic Scissor lifting

Platform Dimension 7500 × 2500 mm
Pushing Travel 6500 mm (20 ft)
Lifting Travel 1700 mm
Loading Capacity 15000 kg
Horizontal Adjustable Travel 100 mm
Motor Speed 1460 r/min
Total Power Hydraulic System 11 kW
Feeding Motor 4 kW
Voltage 380 V
Dimension as Closed (L*W*H) 7500 × 2500 × 1250 mm
Weight 9000 kg Approx.

Above-Ground Lifting

Loading Capacity 20000 kg
Container Dimension 20 ft / 40 ft
Pushing Speed 6000 mm/min
Horizontal Travel 100 mm
Lifting Travel 250 mm
Total Power Hydraulic System 4.5 kW
Driving Motor 4 kW
Voltage 380 V
Dimension (L*W*H) 13600 × 3000 × 1700 mm
Weight 14000 kg Approx.
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