
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Hydraulic Lifting Platform
This hydraulic lifting platform is a multi-functional one which has been specially designed by our company to meet the market demand. It is made of high quality steel and installed with branded hydraulic components which guarantees reliable quality.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

This hydraulic lifting platform is a multi-functional one which has been specially designed by our company to meet the market demand. It is made of high quality steel and installed with branded hydraulic components which guarantees reliable quality. And it includes wide ranges of types and specifications for extensive usage. It’s especially applicable for high-altitude equipment installation, maintenance, decorating, etc. We can also design and manufacture different types and specifications for cargo stations, warehouses, docks, etc.

Main Features:

  • Using high strength steel structure.
  • Safety and steady, able to prevent the platform from falling down in case of power cutoff.
  • With the function of the slide flat board, its position can be adjusted to fit different length of containers.

Main Technical Parameters:

Platform Dimension
7000 × 2400 mm
Slide Flat Board Dimension
1800 × 2000 mm
Lifting Height
3000 mm
Loading Capacity
3000 kg
Slide Flat Board Travel
1800 mm
5.5 kW
380 V
Dimension as Closed (L*W*H)
7000 × 2400× 800 mm
4800 kg Approx.

NOTES: Customized design according to customers’ demand. These parameters are for conventional configuration. The actual parameters of the equipment are subject to the ex- factory products. Please provide clear indication in the contract for any special requirements.

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