
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Full-automatic Multi Billet Heating Production Line
This production line is an automated heating production line, matches with aluminum alloy forging production or rapid extrusion, is suitable for the concentrated heating rapid production of multi billets. It combines technologies of thermal engineering, mechanism, auto-control, hydraumatic, servo, sense and thermometry.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

Main Features

1、Adopts new technologies, such as hot air circulation heating, hydraulic transport system, shift rod mechanism, servo mechanical hand loading system and etc.
2、Fast heating, flexible operation.
3、Advanced automation, easy operation and low energy consumption.
4、To meet the strict requirement of billet temperature for a variety of aluminum alloy forging and rapid extrusion.

Main Technical Parameters

Diameter of Billet Φ178 ~ Φ280 mm
Length of Billet
200 ~ 1500 mm
Heating Fuel
natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, light diesel oil
Billet Qty
According to customer’s requirement
Temperature Difference Between the Surface and Core of Billet
Speed of Feeding, Discharging(pcs/min)
40 ~ 60

NOTES: Customized design according to customers’ demand. These parameters are for conventional configuration. The actual parameters of the equipment are subject to the ex- factory products. Please provide clear indication in the contract for any special requirements.

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