
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Automatic Die Cleaning with Caustic Soda Recovering System
Automatic Die Cleaning with Caustic Soda Recovering System is made up of aluminum extrusion die cleaning plant and automatic caustic soda recovering system. This system fundamentally solves the problems of large consumption of caustic soda, less aluminum recovery, harsh working environment, unsafe & etc in the etching process of extrusion dies cleaning. The automatic caustic soda recover- ing system can effectively recover excess caustic soda in the etching fluid for dies cleaning, and separating the aluminum by chemical process, thereby achieving low emission in the die cleaning process, and recovering aluminum to improve economic benefits.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

Automatic  Die  Cleaning  with  Caustic  Soda  Recovering System is made up of aluminum extrusion die cleaning plant and automatic caustic soda recovering system. This system fundamentally solves the problems of large consumption of caustic  soda,  less  aluminum  recovery,  harsh  working environment,  unsafe  &  etc  in  the  etching  process  of extrusion dies cleaning. The automatic caustic soda recover- ing system can effectively recover excess caustic soda in the  etching  fluid  for  dies  cleaning,  and  separating  the aluminum  by  chemical  process,  thereby  achieving  low emission  in  the  die  cleaning  process,  and  recovering aluminum to improve economic benefits.

This  system  is  with  the  advantage  of  a  high-efficiency, energy-saving, pollution-free and safe die cleaning process, which is realized by advanced technologies with the use of advanced sensor and automatic process control.


  • Closed process chamber, clean production, safety and environ- mental protection.
  • Greatly reduce the die cleaning time and caustic soda consumption.
  • The recovery of aluminum is greatly improved.
  • Efficient technical, fully automa- ted process control
  • The process is pollution-free, no exhaust necessary and low in
  • emission.
  • The equipment is accordance
  • with ATEX, which can increase system security.
  • Install and debug easily, operate and use conveniently.

Die Cleaning Process




Notes: The processing capacity is calculated according to conventional specifications of dies, and processing time does not include turnaround time of dies.



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