
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Infrared Die Oven
Infrared die oven, which is backed with the installation of infrared radiant panel, adopts silicon carbide rod heating element with features of high efficiency and energy saving. The silicon carbide rod and radiant panel are in sets of infrared heating body, which can effectively reflect heat in the form of electromagnetic energy to the chamber, applying the absorption and conversion for the die.
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

Infrared die oven, which is backed with the installation of infrared radiant panel, adopts silicon carbide rod heating element with features of high efficiency and energy saving. The silicon carbide rod and radiant panel are in sets of infrared heating body, which can effectively reflect heat in the form of electromagnetic energy to the chamber, applying the absorption and conversion for the die. Die frame uses high temperature stainless steel grid structure with good mechanical strength, but also has good ventilation and light transmission. (Customized design according to customer's demand.)

Main Features:

1.Drastically reduces the heat loss with the drawer tray design.
2.Uniform speed heating, to avoid dies from cracking, oxidation and other issues that caused by rapid heating. So to achieve a longer lifespan.
3.Operation with safety, convenience, efficiency and comfort.

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